Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Speech Review

When I took WRD 110 I found out that we would be giving speeches, and was not to happy about it. These  were the first speeches I have ever given for school and I will not lie, they sucked. When I gave them I was nervous and had a hard time staying on my points. However, after watching my last speech I feel I have overcome these nerves and can focus on other things I can change to give an excellent speech. When I watched my speech I noticed I still had trouble staying focused on my points. This time though, it was not due to being nervous but instead it was because I was trying to rush myself. During my speech I tried to think ahead to what I was going to say next, when I should have focused on what I was talking about. It might not make sense but I had practiced giving sentences a certain way, but while I was thinking ahead it caused me to loose track of what I already said and had to go back to fix what I was saying. Another thing I can work on improving is what I am doing during my speeches. When I watched this speech I noticed I stayed in pretty much one spot the entire time, and it looked like I was not sure what I should be doing with my hands. If you were thinking this that is because you are correct. It is hard for me to tell what kind of body language would make a speech better, so I just leave that part out. Finally, I realized I need to incorporate my power point in a better way. If I would have explained the pictures better it would have been more clear as to why I chose them. All in all I was happy with my speech and they will only continue to get better.

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